School leadership at the intersection of gender
A partnership research project, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and composed of the University of Alberta (UofA), the Alberta Teachers' Association (ATA) and the College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS).
It aims to deepen understanding of the intersections of gender in school leadership by reaching out to school leaders in both English and French to share the experiences of a group seeking equity.
Project Directors

Dr. Samira ElAtia
Dr. ElAtia holds a doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Dr. ElAtia specializes in the assessment of both competency and language with a research focus on equity in assessment, particularly in bilingual contexts.
Dr. ElAtia has served as an expert on panels for several international testing agencies such as Educational Testing Services located in the United States of America, Pearson Education in the United Kingdom, and in France for the International Baccalaureate Organization, the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Centre International d'Etudes Pédagogiques of the Ministry of Education.

Dr. Elissa Corsi
Dr. Corsi is an associate professor at Campus Saint-Jean, University of Alberta with a specialization in leadership and school administration.
Prior to joining the ATA, Dr. Corsi has worked as a teacher and administrator in Alberta schools, in both English and French Immersion programs.
Dr. Corsi's research interests include multilingualism, educational leadership, and specificially women in educational leadership.
The research team

Leticia Nadler Gomez
Responsible for the literature review and website

Leticia Nadler Gomez
Responsible for the literature review and website
She is currently a doctoral student in the Studies in Educational Leadership department at the Faculty of Education, University of Alberta. She teaches at St. John's Faculty of Education as a Graduate Teaching Assistant Principal Instructor and also holds a Graduate Research Assistantship Fellowship.

Jennifer Williams
Survey Creation and Review

Jennifer Williams
Survey Creation and Review
Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Education, a Graduate Certificate in Educational Leadership and Administration and a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership from the University of Alberta. With over 15 years of experience in public education, she advocates for responsive, equitable and inclusive schools for all learners and communities.

Komla Essiomle
Data Collection and Analysis

Komla Essiomle
Data Collection and Analysis
He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Management Science, a Graduate Certificate in Leadership and School Administration, and a Master of Education with a specialization in School Leadership.

Chirag Daryani
Research Assistant - Data Acquisition

Chirag Daryani
Research Assistant - Data Acquisition
Chirag is a student at the University of Alberta, where he is pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science.
He also works as a Data Scientist at the Alberta Motor Association (AMA), where he designs machine-learning solutions that bring business value to the organization.
Prior to his current role, he worked as a software engineer in India. In his spare time, Chirag enjoys traveling, reading and playing badminton.

Maryem Derrous
Data Management Plan

Maryem Derrous
Data Management Plan
Maryem Derrous holds a Master's degree in Social Sciences and Humanities and a Bachelor's degree in Business Economics and Management from the University of Evry (France).
She also holds a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Alberta (Saint John Campus), where she currently works as a research data manager for the Educational Leadership and Administration at the Intersections of Gender projec

Lee Ann
Research Assistant

Lee Ann
Research Assistant

Wagnon Fanda Nina Soro
Research Assistant

Wagnon Fanda Nina Soro
Research Assistant
She holds a Master’s degree in Arts from the University of Alberta. Also, she holds a degree in Private Law from the West Africa Catholic University of Abidjan, and a Bachelor's degree in Public Law from the Félix Houphouet Boigny University in Abidjan.
In addition, Nina is also a research assistant at the Research Office of Campus Saint-Jean (University of Alberta). Mainly, she is in charge of undergraduate research students. In addition, Nina has volunteered with the Alberta Center for Legal Information and the Association des Juristes d'expression Française de l'Alberta (AJFA), where she helped in cases studying and organizing legal information workshops. Interested in international law issues, Nina has acquired several certificates in the said field , including a Certificate in Law of International Organizations, Certificate in International Migration Law, Certificate in Treaty Law, obtained at United Nations Institute for Training and Research On the other hand, she obtained a Certificate of Introduction to International Humanitarian Law from the Academy of and finally a Certificate on International Migration: A Global Issue 2021 at Sciences Po.
Nina is also passionate about reading, and martial arts.

Taryne Mcmullen
Research Assistant

Taryne Mcmullen
Research Assistant
Our Research
This research partnership is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and is comprised of the University of Alberta (UofA), the Alberta Teachers' Association (ATA) and the College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS). It aims to deepen understanding of the intersections of gender in school leadership by reaching out to school leaders in both English and French to share the experiences of a group seeking equity.
The primary objective of this research is to examine the effect of external factors, such as family leaves, on the career progression of teachers in Alberta.
The secondary objectives of the study are as follows:
(a) Design a baseline database of women’s participation in school leadership
(b) Examine through the lens of intersectionality, the lived experiences of women in school leadership
(c) Explore the effects of different family leaves on the career progression of women
Our Reseach Purpose
Conduct a systematic collection of missing data that will fill in the information gap regarding the profile of school leaders in Alberta
Generate empirical data and support policy change or improvement regarding the effect of gender in educational leadership.
ElAtia, S., Gomez, L. N., & Corsi, E. (2022). If teaching is a female dominated profession, why are so few leading the profession?. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 19427751221137926.
Conference Presentations
Chicago, USA, April 2023: American Educational Research Association (AERA), at Roundtable Session titled, “Women at Work: Troubling the Water in Education and Academia”. Submission: If The Teaching Profession Is Highly Feminized, Why Are So Few Women At The Top?
Toronto, Canada, June 2023: The Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Submission: Women’s Career Progression in School Leadership: A State of Play in Alberta
Victoria, Canada, July 2023: World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education (WFATE) Seventh Biennal Conference. Submission: Educational Leadership and Administration at the Intersections of Gender.