Project Participation

Ethical standards in research


Your participation will remain confidential. Your participation will remain confidential. Data will be encrypted and kept confidential in a secure facility during this project.

  • They will be stored in locked filing cabinets and secure computers at the University of Alberta for 5 years before being destroyed.
  • Only researchers will have access to the data and information from the study.
  • Your name and any other identifying details will never be revealed in any dissemination activity.
  • The knowledge gained from this study will be invaluable in co-creating with our partners systematic administrative policies and procedures that will remove barriers to women’s career progression in school leadership.
  • We will share with you the notes taken during the focus groups, so that you can correct any inaccuracies and/or clarify any questions.


  • This study was reviewed and approved by the University of Alberta’s Office of Research Ethics.Alberta.
  • Identifier is: ID #Pro00113557.
    Any ethical questions or concerns regarding this study may be directed to the Chair of the University of Alberta Research Ethics Office at
    This office has no affiliation with the researchers.
  • Any questions regarding the removal of data or access to transcripts should be directed to Dr. Samira ElAtia, Project Director, at the following address


Any questions regarding the removal of data or access to transcripts should be directed to Dr. Samira ElAtia, Project Director, at the following address

  • Please note that withdrawal from the survey is possible until the responses are submitted electronically. Due to the anonymous nature of the survey, once responses have been submitted, the data cannot be withdrawn.
  • During the interviews, the notes taken are anonymous. Participants can withdraw from the interview at any time, but once the data is added to the other data already collected, it cannot be removed as it will be impossible to identify.


  • Participation in this study is voluntary.
  • Each participant must complete and sign a consent form  in which he or she expresses his or her willingness to participate voluntarily in the research.
  • Participants are free to withdraw from the survey  and interviews/focus groups at any time.


Start of the project recruitment of the research team

Development of the Data Management Plan (DMP).



Dissemination of the survey

Data collection, coding, storage and analysis.
Implementation of the DMP.



Conducting the interviews

Completion of interviews, transcription, and analysis of the data.

Continuation of the DMP.

Development of a data acquisition model.


2024 - 2025

Final stages

The progress of the research project is measured by progress indicators to ensure that deadlines are met.

2024 - 2025